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"160 Acres of Gold Giveaway" attracts a lot of attention

There is a lot of optimism at this year's Red Deer Agri-Trade show.

Visitors to the show are busy checking out the 500 exhibits featuring everything from the major manufacturers, shortline dealers, data technology and more.

A key highlight on the first day of the show was SeedMaster's contest announcement for 160 Acres of Gold.

Global Sales Manager Tim Criddle says the contest will provide one lucky grower in Western Canada with everything they need to seed, grow and harvest a full quarter section of Canola including the use of a seed drill and combine.

"The winner is going to receive Invigor hybrid canola from BASF, Liberty herbicide from BASF, along with Centurion herbicide from BASF.  ESN smart nitrogen fertilizer, agronomic support from Decisive Farming, use of a crop intelligence moisture driven yield potential weather station and service from Crop Intelligence. As well, we're going to pull on to the farm with a SeedMaster ULTRA SR drill. We're going to basically provide everything that we can to grow this crop. We're going to put the seed in the ground, we're going to custom spray the crop as needed, right through to harvest."

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