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2 Million Trees Planted in Honour of Canadian Armed Forces

PORT HOPE, ON and TRENTON, ON, - Forests are essentially the world's lungs, and they lay the foundation for all life to thrive on our planet. They offer homes and shelter for our wildlife, provide us with materials we can build and create with, and contribute to the quality of our air and bio-economy. And, for some, they are even more than that. Through Trees for Life's Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign, two million trees were planted as a lasting tribute to those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Ryan Turnbull, Member of Parliament for Whitby and Darrell Samson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence on behalf of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs, and  the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, celebrated the completion of Trees for Life's Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign with the unveiling of a permanent art installation at both the Port Hope and Trenton North ONroutes. Natural Resources Canada contributed $2.4 million to Trees for Life through the 2 Billion Trees program, which aims to motivate and support new tree planting projects. About 30,000 trees were included as part of the 2 Billion Trees funding, supporting the outstanding work Trees for Life's Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign has done.

The campaign was inspired by the hundreds of Canadians who stood along Highway 401 to salute the fallen military members who served in the war in Afghanistan as they were driven down the 170-kilometre route from CFB Trenton to the coroner's office in Toronto. From that moment, this stretch of Highway 401 has since been known as the Highway of Heroes, making it a strong Canadian symbol of strength, honour and remembrance.

Trees for Life began the transformation of the Highway of Heroes as a tribute to Canada's Veterans in 2015, when one tree was planted for every Canadian who served since Confederation. Reaching and surpassing the two million tree goal marks a significant moment in time, where we can reflect and honour all those who have sacrificed themselves for our country.

Two million trees is no small number. Its meaning gives both weight and recognition in remembrance of those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

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