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2015 Agronomy Update Meetings

By Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist

The Department of Agronomy will offer Crop Production and Management Meetings at eight locations during January of 2015. Joe Lauer, Dan Undersander and Shawn Conley will present the latest information on hybrid/variety performance, an analysis and discussion of last year’s growing season, and updated recommendations for field crop production.

The registration fee includes a meal and materials. Please pre-register with the Host Agent. A “walk-in” fee will be charged to those who have not preregistered. Additional information packets will be available for $18.00 each.

Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits have been requested (3.0 hours in Crop Management). Below is a list of topics, meeting sites, dates and times. Please join us at meeting in your area.

2014 Wisconsin Hybrid Corn Performance Trials – Grain and Silage (A3653)

2014 Wisconsin Soybean Variety Test Results (A3654)

2014 Perennial Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin (A1525)

Winter wheat varieties for grain in Wisconsin – 2014 (A3868)

Oat and Barley Variety Performance (A3874)

NCSRP SCN Sampling Publication

Extension publications

Agronomy Advice articles

Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association updates


Alfalfa stand changes stand over time.

Performance of GM alfalfa varieties and potential for gene transfer to non GMO fields

When to use alfalfa-grass mixtures


Corn Response to Seeding Rate: The Implications for Variable Rate Seeding

Is the corn-soybean rotation sustainable? Evidence from long-term cropping system trials

Soybeans and Small Grains

WI Soybean and Winter Wheat Year in Review

Multi-State High Yield Soybean Project Results: a First Look

Should we consider in-furrow applications in soybean?


Location, date and time


Janesville Monday, Jan. 5 at noon

Madison Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 7:30 am

Fond du Lac Tuesday, Jan. 6 at noon

Kimberly Wednesday, Jan. 7 at 7:30 am

Wausau Wednesday, Jan. 7 at noon

Eau Claire Thursday, Jan. 8 at 7:30 am

Sparta Thursday, Jan. 8 at noon

Belmont Friday, Jan. 9 at noon


Wisconsin Crop Management Conference

January 13-15, 2015, Alliant Energy Center, Madison

Midwest Forage Association Forage Production and Use Symposium

January 20-21, 2015, Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells

Wisconsin Corn Growers Association, Wisconsin Soybean Association, CORN / SOY EXPO

January 29-30, 2015, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

We hope to see you there.

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