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2017 Crop Production Summary For Nebraska - USDA NASS

2017 Crop Production Summary For Nebraska - USDA NASS
Corn for grain production in Nebraska based on year-end surveys is estimated at 1.68 billion bushels, down 1% from 2016, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Yield of 181 bushels per acre is up 3 bushels from last year. Farmers harvested 9.30 million acres of corn for grain, down 3% from 2016. Corn for silage production is 4.10 million tons, down 13% from last year. Silage yield of 19.5 tons per acre is unchanged from last year. Corn for silage harvested acreage of 210,000 acres is down 30,000 acres from last year. Corn acreage planted for all purposes is 9.55 million acres, down 3% from last year.
Soybean production for 2017 totaled a record high 326 million bushels, up 4% from 2016. Yield, at 57.5 bushels per acre, is down 3.5 bushels from a year earlier. Area for harvest, at a record high 5.67 million acres, is up 10% from 2016. Planted acreage totaled 5.70 million acres, up 10% from last year.
Sorghum for grain production in 2017 is estimated at 12.0 million bushels, down 33% from 2016. Yield, at 89 bushels per acre, is down 13 bushels from a year earlier. Area harvested for grain, at 135,000 acres, is down 23% from 2016. Sorghum for silage production is 220,000 tons, up 57% from last year. Silage yield of 10.0 tons per acre is down 4.0 tons from last year. Sorghum for silage harvested acreage of 22,000 acres is up 12,000 acres from last year. Sorghum acreage planted for all purposes is 180,000 acres, down 20,000 acres from last year.
Alfalfa for hay production, at 3.28 million tons, is up 5% from a year earlier. The average yield, at 3.95 tons per acre, is down 0.20 tons per acre from 2016. Area harvested for dry hay, at 830,000 acres, is up 11% from 2016. Alfalfa haylage or greenchop production, at 67,000 tons, is down 48% from last year. Alfalfa haylage yield, at 6.70 tons per acre, is up 0.20 tons per acre from last year. Acreage harvested for haylage, at 10,000 acres, is down 10,000 acres from last year. Seedings of alfalfa during 2017 totaled 150,000 acres, up 40,000 acres from the year earlier.
All other hay production, at 2.88 million tons, is up 9% from last year. The average yield, at 1.60 tons per acre, is up 0.05 tons per acre from last year. Area harvested of other dry hay is 1.80 million acres, up 6% from 2016. All other haylage production, at 160,000 tons, is up 16% from last year. The average yield, at 8.00 tons per acre, is up 2.50 tons per acre from last year. Acreage harvested for all other haylage, at 20,000 acres, is down 5,000 acres from last year.
Proso millet production in 2017 is estimated at 2.35 million bushels, down 24% from last year's production. Yield, at 27 bushels per acre, is down 8 bushels from a year earlier. Area harvested for grain, at 87,000 acres, is down 1% from 2016. Area planted, at 105,000 acres, is up 11% from last year.
Oil sunflower production in 2017 is 41.0 million pounds, up 9% from last year. Yield, at  1,440 pounds per acre, is up 90 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 28,500 acres, is up 2% from 2016. Area planted, at 30,000 acres, is up 3% from last year. Non-oil  sunflower production of 28.1 million pounds is up 38% from last year. Yield, at 1,870 pounds per acre, is up 20 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 15,000 acres, is up 4,000 acres from 2016. Area planted, at 15,500 acres, is up 24% from last year.
Sugarbeet production is estimated at 1.44 million tons, up 2% from last year. Record high  yield is estimated at 31.8 tons per acre, up 1.9 tons from the previous year. Acres harvested are estimated at 45,200 acres, down 4% from the previous year. Area planted, at 46,100   acres, is down 1,900 acres from last year.
Dry edible bean production of 3.90 million cwt is up 41% from a year ago. Record high yield, at 2,520 pounds per acre, is up 250 pounds from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 155,000  acres, is up 27% from 2016. Area planted, at 180,000 acres, is up 30% from last year.
Fall potato production is 9.07 million cwt, up 23% from 2016. Record high yield, at 480 cwt per acre, is up 30 cwt from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 18,900 acres, is up 2,500 acres  from 2016. Area planted, at 19,000 acres, is up 2,500 acres from last year.

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