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2018 Cash Lease Adjustments on Irrigation Equipment for Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska

By Jim Jansen
The Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights Report 2017-2018 provides recent trends on land values and rental rates for landowners, tenants, and stakeholders. Each year the special feature section covers topics on new or emerging issues related to agricultural land in Nebraska. These topics reflect interest expressed by panel members and readership of the Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights Report.
The special feature section in 2018 focuses on cash lease adjustments on irrigation equipment for cropland rental arrangements in Nebraska. Results from this special feature section are summarized in the August 15 Cornhusker Economics article by Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes, both in the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics.
Figure 1. Entity responsible for maintaining irrigation system as part of cash lease arrangement in Nebraska. (Source: Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights Report 2017-2018)
Figure 2. Discount on cash rent per acre when tenant owns pivot for irrigation system in Nebraska. (Source: Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights Report 2017-2018)
Read more, including some typical discounts reported and view a table of per-acre discounts on cash rent per acre when the tenant owns the irrigation power unit.

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