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2020 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test

By Rich Minyo and Bill Widdicombe
In 2020, 45 corn silage hybrids representing 11 commercial brands were evaluated in a joint trial with Michigan State University (MSU). One Ohio location is combined with Michigan's two southern (Zone 1) silage locations. The trials were divided into two maturity groups designated early and late since the relative maturity (RM) submitted by the companies with results listed in separate tables. The Ohio test site is located in our Northwest Region at Hoytville (Wood County). The two MSU sites are in Branch and Lenawee counties, which are on the Ohio/Michigan state line. The test results from the three 2020 locations are treated as one region. The plots were planted with 4-row Almaco SeedPro 360 plot planters and maintained by each respective state utilizing standard production practices. The center two rows were harvested using MSU’s New Holland T6.175 tractor which powered a two-row Champion C1200 Kemper forage harvester with a rear mounted Haldrup M-63 Weigh system.
Silage tests were harvested uniformly as close to half milk line as possible. Near- Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis was performed by MSU using their current procedures. Silage results present the percent dry matter of each hybrid plus green weight and dry weight as tons per acre. Other data presented include percent stand, the percentage of in vitro digestible dry matter, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber digestibility, crude protein and starch. Milk production in pounds per ton and pounds per acre were estimated using MILK2006 (UW-Madison Dairy Science Department).
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If you’ve spent any time in the seed industry, you probably know Jim Schweigert, President of Gro Alliance. Known for his leadership, innovative ideas, and ability to connect people, Jim is also the talented writer behind some of the most-read thought leadership in Seed World U.S. That’s why we’re thrilled to name Gro Alliance, with Jim at the helm, as our Insider of the Year!