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2020 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Program Announced

Agriculture Minister David Marit says farmers enrolled in SCIC's program in 2020 will see lower premiums.
"For 2020, the average crop insurance coverage will be the second-highest in the history of the program at $224 per acre. The average per acre coverage is determined based on prices set by the federal government. Crop insurance customers will pay an average premium of $7.40 per acre down from $8.61 in 2019."
Among the program changes for 2020 producers interested in rejoining Crop Insurance will now have seven years to return to the program and still be able to continue with their previous premium discount/surcharge and yields. 
Marit says other changes will see the insurable region for soybeans being expanded to the entire province and will include irrigation acreage. 
SCIC is also making changes to the Vegetable Acreage Loss Insurance Program to better reflect a longer growing season and production costs, while the program will now also include Asparagus.
Organic growers will see updated premiums and coverage for 2020 using information and data from organic customers.
Marit notes 2019 was a challenging year for producers from dry conditions in early summer to wet conditions that impacted the harvest and an early snowfall that resulted in a large number of unharvested acres.
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance says about 1.3 million insured acres were left out over winter, which is expected to result in about $350 million in claims. 
Marit says crops left out over winter are covered under SCIC’s Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
"If producers notice any wildlife damage, they should contact SCIC as soon as possible.  Producers with unharvested acres must contact SCIC prior to harvest, feeding or grazing any damaged crop so it can be assessed."
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