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2020 Winter Wheat Crop Plantings Steady in the Southern Great Plains Versus 2019

2020 Winter Wheat Crop Plantings Steady in the Southern Great Plains Versus 2019
The USDA released their 2020 Winter Wheat and Canola Seedings report on Friday- and Winter wheat Planted area for harvest in 2020 is estimated at 30.8 million acres, down one percent from 2019 and down five percent from 2018. This represents the second lowest UnitedStates acreage on record.
While the southern Plains Hard Red Wheat plantings were even with 2019- the overall Hard Red Winter wheat seeded area is expected to total 21.8million acres, down 3percent from 2019. Planted acreage is down from last year north of Kansas-Oklahoma-Texas. The largest increases in planted acreage are estimated in Texas while the largest decreases are estimated in Colorado and Montana. Record low acreage was seeded in Nebraska and Utah.
In the case of the Oklahoma HRW plantings- the 2020 planting total is 4.2 million acres, even with the 2019 planting total. Likewise, Kansas farmers report planting 6.9 million acres- the same number as reported a year ago for the 2019 crop. Texas wheat plantings jumped nine percent up from both 2019 and 2018 at 4.9 million acres.
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