By Mike Stamm
The results of the 2022 National Winter Canola Variety Trial (NWCVT) are now available online at

The objectives of the NWCVT are to evaluate the performance of released and experimental varieties, determine where these varieties are best adapted, and increase the visibility of winter canola across the United States. Breeders, marketers, and producers use data collected from the trials to make informed variety selections. The NWCVT is planted at locations in the Great Plains, Northern Plains, Midwest, and Southeast.
Seed for the NWCVT was distributed to 30 test sites in 15 states for the 2021–2022 growing season. The locations receiving seed are illustrated on the map on the front cover. See the back cover for a listing of participating cooperators. Of the 43 entries, 13 are commercial and 30 are experimental. These entries were provided by seven seed suppliers. All entries in the trial were treated with insecticide and fungicide seed treatments to control insects and seedling diseases through the late fall and early winter months.
In general, the 2021–2022 growing season was marked by dry conditions in the Great Plains, resulting in lower-than-normal yields. Temperatures fluctuated throughout the winter but only minimal winterkill was observed. However, the dry winter conditions resulted in reduced biomass production, limiting yield formation. Spring rains arrived during grain filling but were too late and caused only modest recovery. Some locations in the Southeast received too much rainfall in the spring.
Nineteen harvested test sites in eleven states are included in this report: Dallas Center, IA; Vincennes, IN; Belleville, Hutchinson, Manhattan, and Norwich, KS; St. Joseph, LA; Newton and Stoneville, MS (2 sites); Bozeman, Creston, and Moccasin, MT; Clovis, NM; Perkins, OK; Ashland City and Springfield, TN; Orange, VA; and Alburgh, VT. Eleven locations were not harvested or had poor data quality because of inadequate stand establishment, winterkill, or heavy rainfall. A new cooperator in 2021–2022 is St. Joseph, LA.
This work was funded in part by the fees paid by seed suppliers, the USDA-NIFA awards 2021- 38624-35736 and 2021-67013-33782, and the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Assistant scientist Allison Aubert assisted with organizing, packaging, planting, harvesting, data collection, and publication writing. Sincere appreciation is expressed to all participating researchers and seed suppliers who have a vested interest in expanding winter canola acres and increasing production in the United States. Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
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