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2023 Income Tax Updates for Farmers and Ranchers

In this Center for Ag Profitability webinar, Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. Director Tina Barrett reviews tax considerations that farmers and ranchers should be thinking about this year as we get closer to closing out another year. Topics covered include crop insurance, deferral options for livestock sales, potential law changes on the horizon and more. 

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Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

For over 25 years, Ontario Federation of Agriculture members have trusted Better Farming as a source for information to help them farm profitably, with insights and best practices for cash cropping, soil health, pest and weed control, livestock, and farm business management.

Watch this video to learn more about Better Farming and its relationship with producers across Ontario.

Message from Better Farming:

To our OFA farming readers, thank you for your time and your trust, for 25 years now. We look forward to continuing the journey with you.