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2025 Farmland Forum: Watershed Wisdom: Water Protection’s Role in Famrland Conservation

In agriculture, water has become a critically limited resource, even as demand for it surges to feed a growing population. Ontario farmers and communities now face a fundamental question: How can we protect our water sources while ensuring they continue to nourish the land that feeds us?

The 2025 Farmland Forum provides a vital platform to address this pressing issue. This year’s forum will explore innovative, cross-disciplinary solutions to water management, with a focus on how protecting our watersheds is key to safeguarding Ontario’s farmland. Bringing together farmers, conservationists, planners, and community leaders, participants will learn how integrated watershed management can help mitigate flooding, drought, and other water-related challenges while sustaining agricultural productivity.

The hybrid 2025 Farmland Forum is taking place on Thursday, March 20th, 2025 in person in Elora, Ontario as well as online. The full day’s agenda will be available soon. Please stay tuned!

Registration opens February 1st! See our Forum website page for more information.

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