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4-H Manitoba Announces First Recipients Of Leaders Of Tomorrow Scholarship

4-H Manitoba has announced the recipients of the 2021 Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarships.

The Manitoba Government established a $1 million endowment fund with the Brandon Area Community Foundation, which provided $42,500 for scholarships this year. Four current and former 4-H Manitoba members were selected to receive scholarships towards their post-secondary education.

“We congratulate the 2021 scholarship recipients and wish them all the best in their education and future careers. 4-H members of today are tomorrow’s future leaders,” said Candace Tolton, President of 4-H Manitoba. “The calibre of scholarship applicants was outstanding. We are proud to support our members to enable them to take a future leadership role in agriculture, environmental sustainability and their community as a whole.”

The new 4-H Manitoba scholarships are awarded in honour and recognition of four long-serving leaders.

“I would like to congratulate the scholarship recipients and wish them the best in all their future endeavours. Agriculture is a challenging and rewarding pursuit, and the 4-H program does a wonderful job of preparing the youth of today for whatever the future has in store for them,” said Minister of Agriculture and Resource Development Ralph Eichler.

The 2021 Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship recipients are:

Marika Dewar-Norosky (Newdale), University of Manitoba, $12,500
In honour of Fleurette Geirnaert, Mariapolis-Baldur 4-H Club

Cameron Giannotti (Neepawa), Universities of BC & Alberta, $10,000
In honour of Rona Kamfoly, Ethelbert 4-H Club

Sarah Johnson (Dugald), University of Manitoba, $10,000
In honour of Rose Taylor, Rorketon 4-H Variety Club

Rayna Topham (Minnedosa), Brandon University, $10,000
In honour of Margaret Buydens, Bruxelles 4-H Crew

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