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4-H Ontario Announces New 2022 4-H Ontario Ambassadors

ROCKWOOD, ONT. – 4-H Ontario is proud to announce the selection of four ambassadors who will represent 4-H Ontario across the province in 2022. The following four 4-H youth were selected to fulfill this prestigious role: Allison French (Peel 4-H Association), Ashley McClellan (Peel 4-H Association), Dougie Robinson (Stormont 4-H Association), Rhiannah Gallagher (Carleton 4-H Association). These 2022 4-H Ontario ambassadors commenced their year on March 26, 2022 at the Ambassador Luncheon in Richmond Hill, Ont.

“The 4-H Ontario Ambassadors are an integral part in the promotion of 4-H to current and future volunteers, youth participants and stakeholders. They showcase the values and opportunities 4-H provides across the province,” says Marianne Fallis, Senior Manager, Youth Experience, 4-H Ontario. “This year’s new team of Ambassadors will carry on the tradition of exceptional youth who are passionate about sharing the many experiences and opportunities the 4-H Ontario program has to offer.”

For more than 15 years, the 4-H Ontario Ambassador program has provided 4-H youth with training in leadership, citizenship, communications, and public relations. The 4-H Ontario ambassadors will use these skills to recruit new members and share the 4-H story. Ambassadors will attend 4-H Ontario events across the province and represent 4-H Ontario at community events to promote the 4-H program.

The 4-H Ontario Ambassador program is sponsored by GROWMARK, Inc. and the Ontario FS Co-operative System. Since the program’s inception in 2005, GROWMARK, Inc. and the Ontario FS Co-operative System have provided ambassadors with this experience through sponsorship of the program.

Source : 4-H Ontario

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Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

For over 25 years, Ontario Federation of Agriculture members have trusted Better Farming as a source for information to help them farm profitably, with insights and best practices for cash cropping, soil health, pest and weed control, livestock, and farm business management.

Watch this video to learn more about Better Farming and its relationship with producers across Ontario.

Message from Better Farming:

To our OFA farming readers, thank you for your time and your trust, for 25 years now. We look forward to continuing the journey with you.