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4H Saskatchewan Modify's Plans

The Government's call for people to help flatten the curve and stay at home has meant groups and organizations have been cancelling meetings and events.
4H members have been turning to social media to stay in touch and stay active. 
4H Saskatchewan's Executive Director Cera Youngren says while in-person programming is suspended until June 15th they've offered a new program for members called "4H At Home".
"We're running this mostly through a Facebook group, but we're posting ideas and activities to keep people occupied at home and also to connect with some of the 50 projects that are available through 4H. We've had a really great response from our membership and also lots of non-members joining us too. So we have hundreds of people in this group that are following along with different 4H activities."
She notes 4H beef club members have seen some of their steer sales cancelled and are exploring other options for selling their animals.
"There's been some opportunities opened up this year for clubs to hold an online show or sale. So we are seeing some groups move that way. Others are beginning to arrange private sales of their animals or for the first time processing and selling box meat packages."
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