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Tips for Getting More From Your Data During 2018

From Case IH Blog.
You’ve invested in the technology. Every pass across your fields brings in new information and grows your knowledge base. Now what? How do you put that data to work on your farm? These tips can help you unlock the value of your precision farming data heading into the upcoming growing season:
  1. If you haven’t tackled the recommended practices for postharvest data management, start there. It’s critical to process, back up and protect your data before you go any further.
  2. You have several routes — or combination of routes — to begin your data analysis. Case IH data management software gives you single-source management tools that can help bring together all of your data. Or work with your crop consultant, agronomist or other third-party providers, including those who allow for seamless data transfer with AFS Connect™ via an API partnership.
  3. Be sure to get the full picture. Don’t forget data from suppliers and commercial applicators to ensure you’re layering in all available information, including soil sampling and fertilizer and pesticide applications.
  4. Cleanse your raw log yield data files. Depending on your equipment technology and data-gathering software, use your data-processing software to clean up obvious errors, such as start- and end-pass delays and points outside predetermined minimum- and maximum-yield parameters.1
  5. Stay committed. A long yield history is essential to avoid drawing conclusions that are affected by the weather or other unpredictable factors during a particular year. Typically, at least five years of data is desired.1 Strive for consistency in gathering, processing and analyzing your data.
  6. As you learn more and more about each of your fields, be sure to continue your personal education. Case IH offers local, regional and online training and support through our Owners Community and AFS Academy. Check with your state land-grant university for educational resources and training. For example, the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service offers its own Precision Agriculture webpage, and Oklahoma State University provides a one-stop clearinghouse of precision agriculture information from universities across the country.
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Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Bayer has introduced a new digital farm management system dubbed FieldView Drive 2.0.

An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

Watch to learn more about this new concept!