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A Case Study of Ventilation Shutdown with the Addition of High Temperature and Humidity for Depopulation of Pigs

CASE DESCRIPTION In February 2020, a swine farm operating in multiple states throughout the Midwest began to evaluate emergency plans to respond to potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CLINICAL FINDINGS From February through April, extensive mitigation strategies were implemented in anticipation of market disruption. The farm consulted the AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals to identify preferred methods for depopulation of swine; however, none of these methods were feasible. When the first US packing plant closed in April 2020 because of human COVID-19 infection, the farm began to evaluate whether ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+) could be used for depopulation.
TREATMENT AND OUTCOME Through proof-of-concept trials, a method for ventilation shutdown with the addition of supplemental temperature and humidity was developed. A single location with 4 barns that could be retrofitted for the process was selected, and between April and June 2020, 243,016 pigs were depopulated (59,478 nursery and 183,538 finishing pigs). Mean ± SD time to silent (the time when no sounds could be heard and no motion seen) was 55.4 ± 14.5 minutes for the nursery pigs and 65.0 ± 18.1 minutes for the finishing pigs. Only 728 (0.300%) pigs required manual euthanasia at the end of the depopulation process.

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Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

Video: Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

In this month’s PigX episode, we look into research to identify the health status of pigs - especially for PRRS – utilizing key performance indicators. Researchers have developed a formula to help detect diseases earlier, offering a tool that facilitates faster and potentially more cost-effective data analysis compared to investing in additional farm technologies.

Joining us from Iowa State University are Drs. Gustavo Silva, an assistant professor in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, and Mafalda Mil-Homens, a PhD student and veterinarian. They share insights from their global experiences and how these have influenced their work in the Midwest swine industry.