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A growing number of Saskatchewan RM's are being designated disaster areas

Severe weather this Spring posed serious problems for livestock producers, with a number reporting losses during the heavy snow storms that hit Maple Creek and the southeast corner of the Province.

The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) helps producers who have experienced significant financial losses due to extreme weather.

SARM President Ray Orb says affected rural municipalities need to be declared a disaster area.

"They will need to let the federal government and the province know that they're in a claim situation. So that will open up some funding for producers that would be covered for uninsurable losses that they wouldn't normally be able to carry insurance for. So that will be very helpful."

Noel McAvena, PDAP's Executive Director, says affected RM's must request the disaster designation through the PDAP office.

"In terms of qualifications, we've had about two dozen local authorities request designation already. Another couple dozen are inquiring with the intention to request to designate. So it pretty much covers the entire southeast corner of our province."

He notes the RM of Maple Creek was formally designated a disaster area earlier.

Eligible producers can expect similar compensation to what they'd receive under the Wildlife Damages Compensation and Livestock Accreditation Program which is delivered by Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.

McAvena says producers in the eligible RM's will have six months to submit their application for compensation.

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