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A Look Into The Costs Of Mud In Terms Of Cow And Calf Performance

Mud, like we’re experiencing this winter and also as has been experienced in most recent winters, can have significant impact on performance in a cow/calf operation. During last winter’s Ohio Beef School webinar series, then OSU Animal Sciences’ PhD candidate Kirsten Nickles’ shared her research into the impact of mud on the cow herd. In this 8 minute excerpt from that session, Nickles summarizes the long term costs of mud in terms of cow and calf performance if adequate supplemental nutrition is not provided to compensate for the added cow energy requirements created by a muddy environment.

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Fight Back Against Deworming Resistance?


SUNUP travels to Haskell County to see an OSU Extension project led by Brian Freking, OSU Extension Southeast area livestock specialist, aimed at addressing the issue of deworming resistance.