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AAFC funding development of pest and disease spray analytics platform

On Feb. 16, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau announced up to $875,000 to Ukko Agro Inc. to support the development of an analytics platform to aid in better controlling diseases and insects in various crops. This innovative platform would provide decision makers a heads-up of up to seven days on field-level spray recommendations to proactively manage risks to crops, improve food production sustainability, and increase yield.

“Canadian farmers rely on cutting-edge science and research to ensure the sustainable development of their businesses,” Bibeau said in a press release. “Our commitment to funding the latest agricultural technologies helps them not only feed a growing population and protect the environment, but also grow.”

Precision agriculture tools are helping farmers better manage their operations and become more efficient. These new types of technology are supporting farmers in their efforts to preserve valuable resources while providing more protection against diseases and insects. With the AgriInnovate program, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), the Government of Canada is providing repayable contributions for projects that aim to accelerate the commercialization, adoption and/or demonstration of innovative products, technologies, processes or services that increase agri-sector competitiveness and sustainability.

This investment will help advance the technology that modern farm operations need to enhance efficiency and yields. By bringing more of this technology to the marketplace, agricultural technology companies such as Ukko Agro Inc. are ensuring Canada remains a leader in the precision agriculture market.

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