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Activity of Insecticides on Stone Fruit Pests, 2018

This table provides information on the relative activity of insecticides and miticides labelled on stone fruit in Ontario. The ratings are a result of the review of various U.S. extension publications, scientific journal articles, Canadian Pest Management Research Reports, and Arthropod Management Reports (ESA).

Ratings in shaded cells indicate the disease is listed on the product label for control or suppression. Please see the product label or crop calendars for registered uses. Use insecticide only for the crop and pest combinations listed on the product label. Additional information is provided in this table to assist the grower in choosing the best insecticide for the pests listed on the product label.

Click on the link below to access a printable version of this table.

Insecticide Activity on Stone Fruit 2018 (PDF)

Source : ONfruit

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