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Advance Payments Program now available

Western Canadian hog producers can now apply for up to $1 million, with the first $250,000 interest-free, through the Advance Payments Program.

The program is designed to help producers meet short-term financial obligations and covers those who own weaned piglets, feeder pigs, market hogs and breeding stock (gilts, sows and boars). Pigs already sent to slaughter are not eligible.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Advance Payments Program, for hogs, is administered by the Manitoba Pork Credit Corporation.

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Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Video: Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Welcome back to Ewetopia Farms! In today’s vlog, we dive into one of the most time-consuming tasks on the farm—sheep registration paperwork. As a sheep farm that raises registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep, keeping up with the required documentation is essential to maintain our flock’s status, but it’s no easy task! Watch as I walk you through the entire process, from filling out forms to submitting records, all while Arnie is outside tackling another essential job—spreading manure on the crop fields before winter. Farming is all about balancing the fun tasks with the less glamorous ones, and today, we’re showing you what goes into maintaining a successful registered sheep operation. Join us at Ewetopia Farms for another behind-the-scenes look at sheep farming, from paperwork to manure spreading and everything in between!"