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Advanced Training in Conservation Agriculture: Fostering Sustainable Agronomic Systems

CIMMYT, the Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA), and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) jointly organized a three-week training course on conservation agriculture (CA) and regenerative agriculture (RA). The program focused on the potential of sustainable farming methods as vital tools for managing risks in agrifood systems in both irrigated and rainfed areas.

Held from December 3–23, 2024, the training brought together farmersscientists, and stakeholders to explore innovative solutions to agrifood challenges. Sessions were held at the ICAR Indian Institute of Maize Research and BISA in Ludhiana, Punjab; the ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute in Karnal, Haryana; and the ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Building Resilient Agrifood Systems

Conservation agriculture (CA) and regenerative agriculture (RA) are approaches to land management that prioritize ecosystem health. These practices are based on three core principles: minimal soil disturbance, continuous soil cover, and crop diversification. Together, they improve yields, restore natural resources, reduce farming costs, and develop resilient agricultural systems that protect the environment, enhance climate resilience, and improve rural livelihoods, particularly in the Global South.

In South Asia, where rural communities rely heavily on natural resources, farmers face significant challenges, including loss of soil fertilitywater scarcitypollution, and the effects of climate change. These pressures are straining agricultural systems, particularly in irrigated and dryland farming areas.

Despite the clear benefits of CA, adoption remains limited due to barriers such as lack of knowledge on how to implement CA in different agro-ecologies, limited access to appropriate tools, insufficient policy support, and low awareness of the long-term benefits of CA. To address these challenges, training and capacity development are essential for scaling up CA technologies among smallholder farmers and ensuring their long-term impact.

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