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AFSC upgrading lending system

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) has upgraded our lending system to better serve our clients. 

The upgrade is a modernized loan management system that is scalable to meet the growing financing needs of the agricultural industry. Timely loan approvals, direct access to information, and trusted technology are key pillars of AFSC’s delivery commitment to clients. This change meets all these requirements.

“AFSC is committed to agriculture, and we have developed applications to support lending across the entire value chain,” said Kevin Chanut, Vice President Lending. “The new platform will enable us to better meet the needs of Alberta’s diverse agriculture and agribusiness industries.”

As we work through the implementation process there may be some delays in processing times. AFSC is committed to minimizing any disruption to service, so please speak with your Relationship Manager Lending if you have questions or concerns.

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Video: What Is Canola

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