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After planting, focus on back up, clean up and follow up

As the intense hours of planting season start to wind down, farmers look ahead to the next jobs to be done, including spraying. The planter may not be at the top of the to-do list now, but it still needs attention to make life easier next spring.

Dave Rylander, a western Illinois farmer, is often the guy who gets calls before, after or during planting season if people have a problem. Not only does he farm in Knox County south of Galesburg, but he also worked for John Deere for almost 40 years. He grows corn and soybeans with his son Doug, who worked for Case IH, and they have a Precision Planting dealership at Oneida, Illinois.

So, they know a thing or two about planters.

Rylander’s No. 1 piece of advice at the end of planting season is “Write down what’s not working correctly.”

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