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Ag Economists Release Papers On Herbicide Weed Resistance

According to the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds, there are 251 species of weeds that have developed a resistance to 161 different types of herbicide. And this is a global problem, with these weeds impacting crops in 66 countries.
The escalation of these types of weeds is hurting crop yields, the environment and the bottom line for farmers in the United States and around the world.
What has led up to this crisis and what types of policies need to be enacted to stop this problem for farmers moving forward? It's all part of a special edition of Choices Magazine. The theme, entitled "Herbicide Resistance Management" features the following papers:
• "Herbicide Use Trends: A Backgrounder" by Craig D. Osteen and Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo 
• "Farmers' Perspectives on Management Options for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds" by Raymond Jussaume and Katherine Dentzman 
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