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Ag Industry Can Defer MELT Testing For Up To One Year

As of September 1, 2019, Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) will be the minimum training required to obtain a Class 1 driver's license here in Manitoba.
As Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) President Bill Campbell explains, there is a deferral option for the agriculture industry.
"My understanding is that you can take your Class 1 license and pass it but subsequent to that you still need to take the MELT testing, it's just the time frame for the ability to get the training at this point," he said. "We need ag workers to get a Class 1 license to get our crop to the bins and to the elevators and to get the movement of our crops."
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Video: Insights from Kim Schneider (UGuelph) on Grazing Cover Crops

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