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Agribition Hosts Cattlemen Roundtable

A large number of international visitors were on hand for Canadian Western Agribition this week, including some from the United States.
Many of them took part in a cattlemen's roundtable at the show, where US country of origin labelling (COOL) was a major topic of discussion.
Dar Geiss with the Minnesota Cattlemen's Association, explains the beef processing industry in his state has been affected adversely by cool.
"The St. Paul plant was closed down last summer," he said. "It shut down primarily because of the lack of cows available to be processed."
The WTO recently ruled the US was discriminating against Canadian beef exports with COOL, and the federal government says they are considering retaliatory tariffs if the legislation is not repealed.
Geiss says most Americans don't believe that the retaliatory measures will be put in place, but he believes Canada will and should impose them.

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When And How To Wrap Hay

Video: When And How To Wrap Hay

At Ewetopia Farms, we do a lot of wrapping hay for the reasons listed in today's vlog. However, there is always discussion on when you should actually wrap hay, what the various moisture counts mean for the creation of your sheep feed, how much wraps should you use, and when can you start to feed it. The answers to these questions are numerous and varied, but in layman's terms, we try to simplify the answers and give you different options depending on the individual needs on your sheep farm, or any farm for that matter, although our knowledge applies to our experience feeding sheep who are much less tolerant of poor quality feed than other livestock..