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Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Events

By Greg LaBarge

The Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Program administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture came into law this past summer. The program is a certificate program that requires training (or meeting equivalent requirement), application for the certificate and continuing education to maintain the certificate. Those required to obtain the certificate prior to September 30, 2017, are anyone applying fertilizer to 50 or more acres of agricultural production. Agricultural production means the cultivation primarily for sale, of plants or any parts of plants, excluding start-up fertilizer.

Farmers and commercial fertilizer applicators that already have either a commercial or a private Pesticide Applicator License issued by the Ohio Department of Agriculture need to attend a 2 hour minimum training session. These are often being held on the same day as Pesticide Applicators Recertification sessions. Farmers and commercial applicators that need an Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification, but do not have a pesticide license, need to attend a 3 hour training session. Training is provided by Ohio State University Extension. Nearly 100 total programs of both types are already planned through April, 2015 at locations across the state. A complete listing of these programs is available at If you are interested in attending these programs please preregister as there are seat limits at training locations. Individuals who hold a current Certified Crop Advisors or Certified Livestock Manager professional certification are exempt from the training but must apply for the Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification through the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

For more information about the Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification from Ohio Department of Agriculture can be found at For training dates and other information see the Ohio State University Extension’s Pesticide Education Program website at

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