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Agricultural Producers Eligible for Additional COVID-19 Related Assistance

Agricultural Producers Eligible for Additional COVID-19 Related Assistance
By Adam N. Rabinowitz
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced March 24, 2021, that the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP 2), which had an enrollment deadline of December 11, 2020, will reopen for enrollment April 5, 2021.
The purpose of the reopening is to expand the reach of the program to groups of producers that may not have been aware of the initial program offerings. Additional assistance (CFAP AA) will also be available to producers of select commodities based on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, that was enacted in late December 2020.
The CFAP 2 and CFAP AA programs cover a wide range of agricultural commodities produced in Alabama. If a producer had not previously filed a CFAP 2 application, they may do so starting April 5. It is expected that the new sign-up period will last at least 60 days.
Producers of selected commodities who filed a CFAP 2 application but also received insurance indemnities or payments through the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) or Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+) for the 2019 crop year, may file a revised CFAP 2 application. This revision will increase the payment to those producers.
Eligible Commodities
CFAP 2 – Any species of aquatic organisms for human consumption, as well as fish raised as feed for fish and ornamental fish. Producers may revise their application if they received insurance indemnities, NAP, or WHIP+ for the 2019 crop year.
CFAP 2 – Broilers, eggs, and pullets for non-contract growers.
CFAP AA – Contract growers will become eligible after final regulations are determined. Applications may be filed at this time.
CFAP 2 – Cow milk and goat milk.
CFAP 2 – Includes cut flowers, cut greenery, decorative or non-decorative plants, cactus, and Christmas trees. Producers may revise their application if they received insurance indemnities, NAP, or WHIP+ for the 2019 crop year.
CFAP 1 – Cattle producers who received payments under CFAP 1 will receive an additional automatic payment. No additional application is necessary.
CFAP 2 – Beef cattle, hogs and pigs, and lambs and sheep for non-contract growers.
CFAP AA – Contract growers will become eligible after final regulations are determined. Applications may be filed at this time.
CFAP 2 – Includes, but not limited to, barley, buckwheat, canola, corn, upland cotton, hemp, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans, and all classes of wheat.
CFAP AA – An automatic payment of $20 per acre will be paid to all eligible CFAP 2 applicants. No additional application is necessary.  Producers who did not originally file a CFAP 2 application can apply for both payments starting April 5.
CFAP 2 – Over 230 different fruits, vegetables, horticulture, tree nuts, honey, and turfgrass sod. Producers may revise their application if they received insurance indemnities, NAP, or WHIP+ for the 2019 crop year.
CFAP 2 – Alpacas, bison, buffalo, beefalo, deer, ducks, elk, emus, geese, goats, guinea pigs, llamas, mink (including pelts), mohair, ostrich, pheasants, quail, rabbits, reindeer, turkey, water buffalo, and yak. Producers may revise their application if they received insurance indemnities for the 2019 crop year.
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