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Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Program:Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) | AFRI Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Applications to the FY 2019 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) Request for Applications (RFA) must focus on approaches that promote transformational changes in the U.S. food and agriculture system. NIFA seeks creative and visionary applications that take a systems approach, and that will significantly improve the supply of abundant, affordable, safe, nutritious, and accessible food, while providing sustainable opportunities for expansion of the bioeconomy through novel animal, crop, and forest products and supporting technologies. These approaches must demonstrate current and future social, behavioral, economic, health, and environmental impacts. Additionally, the outcomes of the work being proposed must result in societal benefits, including promotion of rural prosperity and enhancement of quality of life for those involved in food and agricultural value chains from production to utilization and consumption. See AFRI SAS RFA for details.

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New Barn Build

Video: New Barn Build

A new 5000 head barn build in Milnor, ND. After lot lot of research and decision make, a North Dakota hog producer built a new state of the art 5000 head hog finishing setup. When the decision making was final it was decided to go with a ProSort three food court auto sorting system. Their research showed that hogs from a ProSort System was consistently two weeks sooner to market then from conventional pen barns.