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Agriculture and Interior Departments Invest $2.8 Billion to Improve Public Lands Access and Support Conservation Efforts Across the United States

The Departments of Agriculture and the Interior today announced a proposed $2.8 billion in funding for fiscal year 2024 authorized by the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) to improve infrastructure, recreation facilities, federal lands access, and land and water conservation.

Enacted in August 2020, GAOA established the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund, authorizing up to $1.9 billion per year, from fiscal years 2021 through 2025 to reduce the deferred maintenance backlog on federal lands and at Bureau of Indian Education schools. GAOA also provides permanent, full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund at $900 million annually to secure public access and improve recreation opportunities on public lands; protect watersheds and wildlife; and preserve ecosystem benefits for local communities. Funding for the fiscal year 2024 proposed projects is subject to Congressional approval.

Investments from GAOA work in concert with President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other Investing in America initiatives to strengthen our nation’s infrastructure and prepare it to meet future needs.

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