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Agriculture Continues to Drive Saskatchewan Social Structure

The Executive Director of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan says agriculture remains the backbone of Saskatchewan's social and economic structure.
In observance of Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan has been stimulating conversation through social media using the hash tags "OurFoodHasAStory" and "AgMonth18."
Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says agriculture remains an important component of Saskatchewan's way of life.

Clip-Clinton Monchuk-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:
It's really interesting.
When you look at the backbone of Saskatchewan, agriculture has always been at the forefront.
We do have other great industries here in this province whether it's mining or oil or new technologies being developed here in this province, agriculture continues to be a background.
There's a lot of pride within that.
Think about how much we actually grow in this province.
We're a small province in terms of population but a significant amount of land that we can grow this abundance of food so agriculture is a huge deal to us.
You think about a lot of the individuals that you chat with on a daily basis in the urban settings have some tie to agriculture.
When you think about the culture around food, a lot of the social events that we have are focused around some interaction with somebody else or a group of people, but it usually involves food too and some of the different traditions that we do have with respect to food.
It's really vast and I think we're very blessed in this province to have the abundance of food that we do to share with others and it's a significant contributor to our economy.

Monchuk says, with the disconnect that exists and the growth of the urbanized population in this country, the need to have these interactions among farmers and the public is needed more now than ever.

Source : farmscape

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