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Agriculture in the classroom - Nova Scotia

Agriculture in the Classroom - Nova Scotia helps students learn where their food comes from, the importance of agriculture, and careers available in the industry. Teachers can apply for free programs and resources that support curriculum outcomes and competency development.

Agriculture in the Classroom - Nova Scotia teaches about food – where it comes from, what is grown in Nova Scotia, what modern farms look like, and careers in the agriculture and food sectors. Agriculture in the Classroom offers inquiry-based learning experiences – from hatching chicks and growing plants in your classroom to off-site trips to explore agricultural careers and technology.

Agriculture in the Classroom - Nova Scotia has resources available for all grade levels and continues to add more each year. Resources are free for Nova Scotia public school teachers. Please review the list below to see which programs are the best fit for your classroom:

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From the import of used cooking oils to the Farm Bill, there's no shortage of policy issues impacting Iowa soybean farmers.