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Agriculture student scholarship recipients announced in Saskatchewan

Today, Saskatchewan students pursuing a post-secondary education in agriculture were awarded scholarships from the federal and provincial governments.

Marleigh Mann from Lloydminster was awarded $6,000 towards her post-secondary studies as the grand prize recipient. Mann’s essay highlighted the future of sustainable agriculture, promoting innovation, adaptability, and the overall vitality of the industry. Furthermore, it advocated for building public trust and transparency through educational opportunities such as farm tours and social media campaigns surrounding sustainable agricultural practices. Mann sees the agriculture industry heading in a positive direction.

Clare Wever from Lloydminster, Katie Moyle from Hanley and Madalynn Anderson from Rosetown were all awarded $3,000 as the runners-up. The recipients will be attending post-secondary at the University of Saskatchewan in the fall at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. Their fields of study will range from animal health and welfare to agribusiness and agricultural sciences.

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Opportunities in 4-H

Video: Opportunities in 4-H

Nia Smith, Student, Poplar Hill 4-H Club
The 4-H program has given Nia many opportunities over the years, from communication to leadership. Join Nia as she shares her experiences from this past year with her “Seed Starting from a Home Hydroponic System” science fair project, and how she had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Science Fair finals in Ottawa, ON.

>> Apply up to 750 lbs/ac at 10 mph – 70+ acres per hour
>> Optional Drop tubes on 30-inch spacing
>> High speed = higher application rates
>> Tighter fold for the best visibility