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Agriculture sustainability and biotech go hand in hand

The achievements of biotech, especially in agriculture, are being celebrated during Global Biotech Week in Saskatchewan, Sept. 22 to 28.

"Biotech is transforming the future of farming, from enhancing crop and livestock production to improving sustainability," Agriculture Minister David Marit said.

Agricultural biotechnology equips Saskatchewan producers with improved productivity and management practices, resulting in higher yields and product quality, Sask. Agriculture states in a press release. The ministry says Saskatchewan's biotech sector is recognized internationally, with one-third of Canada's agricultural biotechnology sector in the province.

Saskatchewan institutes are leaders in the field of crop breeding, genetics and genomics, the release states.

“Ag-West Bio co-ordinates activities across the province to mark Global Biotech Week," Biotech president and CEO Karen Churchill said.

"The goal of Global Biotech Week is to bring attention to the ways that biotechnology benefits society. The world would look very different without biotechnology. Sustainable agriculture production, innovations in food and medicine are made possible thanks to science. We need to take time to celebrate!"

Activities planned showcase the province's bioeconomy, including how science benefits agriculture. A full list of this year's events, including several in Saskatoon and online, 

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