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Agriculture This Week: From pizza to soup: Food Farm Program teaches kids about farming

I’m sure there has to be someone famous who long ago observed that the best ideas are often the simplest but in this case it remains relevant.

Last week more than 370 Yorkton and area Grade 3 students learned more about where their food comes from as they participated in the now long-running ‘Food Farm Program’.

It is the Food Farm Program, now in its 10th year which is a simple idea but also one which is rather brilliant.

The simplicity comes from the basic premise of helping youth better understand and appreciate where their food comes from – farms – by giving them a day of hands-on education related to farm production.

Classroom education is of course the core of schooling, but when students get out of the school with an opportunity to learn it tends to stick in the mind because it was a different experience. Personally I recall class trips to Batoche, to the Natural History Museum, to a wild area south of my hometown to investigate nature far more keenly that any class of algebra, and hands-on elements such as dissecting a frog stick too.

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