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AgriInsurance Seeding Deadline Extended For Winter Wheat And Fall Rye

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) has approved the extension of the seeding window for winter wheat and fall rye.
This follows research and consultation with Winter Cereals Manitoba (now part of the newly-formed Manitoba Crop Alliance(MCA)) and Cereal Crop Specialists with Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development.
“We would like to thank MASC and the Province of Manitoba for listening and working with the winter wheat industry,” says MCA secretary Doug Martin and former chair of Winter Cereals Manitoba Inc. “Before Manitoba Crop Alliance’s formation, Winter Cereals Manitoba Inc. had been working with MASC and provincial agriculture staff on this file. We are happy with the changes and believe they will benefit farmers.”
This fall, producers can get full coverage if their winter wheat or fall rye crops are seeded from August 15 to September 25, and reduced coverage if seeded from September 26 to 30, opening the window by an additional 15 days.
The revised deadlines were approved by MASC’s Board of Directors and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in July.
Seeding date changes will be in effect for winter wheat and fall rye seeded in 2020 and harvested in 2021.
Next year’s AgriInsurance Contract will be amended accordingly.
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