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AgriLabs® Introduces New Logo, Vision Statement

AgriLabs® today introduced a new corporate logo and vision statement – Delivering Biological Innovation® – to coincide with its development of proprietary technologies with the potential to transform animal health. 
These technologies include a DNA vaccine platform under development for poultry and swine, patented ENABL® adjuvant technology that allows more efficient delivery of both DNA and traditional vaccines, and a new custom vaccine offering with proprietary manufacturing processes for hard-to-grow viruses such as certain PRRS strains.
"Our DNA technology, which includes ENABL adjuvants, represents the next generation of biological innovation in animal health," says Sean O'Hare, executive vice president of AgriLabs. "These technological advancements allow AgriLabs to deliver a custom vaccine option that is truly different from -- and more flexible than -- others in the market."
O'Hare also notes last year’s acquisitions of Benchmark Biolabs, VaxLiant and Antelope Valley Bios as key milestones in the transformation of the company’s research, development and manufacturing functions.
"Given the evolution of the company, it's appropriate for AgriLabs to reflect a more contemporary design in our branding and to adopt a vision statement that reflects our new path," O'Hare says. The new brand elements will appear in the company's marketing and advertising in the coming months.
A Legacy of Innovation
The establishment of AgriLabs in 1984 was an innovation in itself, demonstrating a new way of marketing animal health products through a network of independent distributors with reach across the country. Since then, the company has continued breaking new ground in the industry.
AgriLabs pioneered the use of Abbreviated New Animal Drug Application (ANADA) under the Generic Animal Drug and Patent Term Restoration Act. In addition, AgriLabs commercialized vaccines with Siderophore Receptor and Porin (SRP®) technology. It also launched the innovative VetGunTM insecticide delivery system that allows application of insecticide from 15 to 30 feet away – without the handling or stress of other forms of treatment.
"Our new branding conveys the contemporary, innovative company that we are and the new place in the animal health industry we're working toward," O'Hare says.

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