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AgriProfit Program and New Video

Knowing your farm’s cost of production can help guide long-term business decisions. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s AgriProfit$ Beef/Crops Business Analysis and Research Program gives individual producers an opportunity to analyze their operations and see the opportunities for improving profitability and operational efficiencies. Ann Boyda, livestock economist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, dropped by the studio to talk about the program and a new video.

Interview with Ann Boyda (3:46 minutes) (1.72 Mb)

For more information or to enroll, go to the AgriProfit$ webpage at

Source : Alberta Ag and Forestry

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CattleCon 25: Where the Beef Industry Meets

Video: CattleCon 25: Where the Beef Industry Meets

San Antonio is the place to be in February for CattleCon 25. Colin Woodall, CEO of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, shares some insights on what to expect at this fun and informative event.