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Agronomic Crops Extension Publications to Help Make Plans For 2015

We are just into January but well into our winter meeting season. Several requests have come up for publications we reference in our talks.

The first is the Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide – newly updated and in a new larger format this year. The Field Guide is available on OSU Extension’s eStore for sale, or may be ordered from county Extension offices.

·         This link is to the store for the hard copy version:; the price is $12.50.

·          Quantity discounts are available for 50 or more. New for businesses on this version is a spot on the back cover to add your logo, a sticker or stamp your business address for customers.

·         Many use their droid or iPad in the field and there is a digital version available now too:, for $10.

The 2015 Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Weed Control Guide is the second new publication that comes up in conversation. Just out late December this guide has all the latest updates on weed management. A multi-state crew of weed scientists now contribute to this publication – the official weed management resource for Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Authors: Mark M. Loux, Doug Doohan and Anthony F. Dobbels Department of Horticulture and Crop Science The Ohio State University, William G. Johnson, Bryan G. Young and Travis R. Legleiter Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Purdue University, Aaron Hager Department of Crop Sciences University of Illinois.

·         A simple pdf file of the 2015 Weed Control Guide is free, here:

·         For sale is the interactive pdf for $9.99:

·         Purchase a hard copy at OSU Extension County offices for $14.75.

·         The hard copy is also available for $14.75 from the OSU Extension eStore:

 The other two publications that have come up during our presentations about nutrient management or crop production practices are a couple of older ones:

 ·         The Ohio Agronomy Guide, for sale as a hard copy:, also available in the county offices.

  ·         Last is the “Tri-State Fertility Guide”, much discussed as we work through the fertilizer certification training this winter. Officially called the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa, this one is free, but only as a pdf:

To see all of the publications we offer to agronomic crop producers, check out our AgCrops Publication page: - many are free; all are useful.

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