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AGT Foods partners in new higher protein yellow pea variety for 2023 production

AGT Foods and Ingredients announcing a key partnership this week with Equinom, an Israeli based company that is very strong in breeding and genetics. 

AGT President and CEO Murad Al-Katib says to meet the growing global demand for better plant-based foods, we need more innovative, sustainably-produced ingredients that deliver on food functionality and fulfill the demand from both 
consumers and food companies for high-quality, plant-based protein products that are good for the environment.

He says they've been working with Equinom testing a new yellow pea variety that is well suited for growers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, North Dakota and Montana.

"We've been working now, this is the third season, on trialing the variety. For the different pilot trials that we've done, the yield looks good. The characteristics are good, there's good disease packages, and you know the protein levels are dramatically higher in these varieties than what we're seeing in the mainstream varieties today."

The food ingredients business has been a really strong focus for AGT Foods and there continues to be a very strong demand for plant based protein in the world.

Al-Katib says they continue to see that as a very strong opportunity for growers and for AGT as a processor. 

"The protein markets of the world are really looking at high quality protein concentrates that are going to be able to produce tasty, affordable foods." 

He says the new pea varieties are in their eyes very well suited to the development of novel protein ingredients for the food industry. 

"You know, we can take this back to what we see in malt barley and what we see in other crops. Where we're specifically going to be buying products with specific traits that give us the best chance of meeting that food demand. You know, you start with high protein, you end with even higher protein when you're looking at protein concentration. So these new varieties, we think are going to be very strong agronomically for our growers. They're going to be good yielding, and they're going to give us some some traits which hopefully will pass on better economics to the farm gate."

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