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Alarm Over Bird Flu Rises While Farm Animal Welfare Concerns Drop In FooDS Survey For March

Today, Dr. Jayson Lusk of Oklahoma State University, published the findings of the March edition of the Food Demand Survey (FooDS).

This month, some of the highlights of the report included Willingness-to-pay (WTP) decreased for steak, pork chops, and especially deli ham. Meanwhile, WTP increased for chicken breast, hamburger, and chicken wings. WTPs for all meat products are lower than one year ago, except for hamburger. In addition, the largest percentage increase in concern was for bird flu and the largest decrease in concern was for farm animal welfare.

Several new ad hoc questions were added to this month’s survey that mainly dealt with knowledge of farm production practices. First in a series of four ad hoc questions posed, respondents were asked whether or not they had ever worked on a farm before. Of those that responded - only 17 percent answered ‘Yes.’

Survey participants were also asked about their knowledge of the use of growth hormone, rBGH treatments in dairy cattle and what their thoughts are regarding several statements related to the dairy industry’s use of hormones. The most popular answer selected from a sliding scale of agreement, was ‘neither agree or disagree.’

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