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Alberta Ag-Info Centre – here to help

Connecting producers and farmers to the information they need.
The Alberta Ag-Info Centre is the first point of contact for producers looking for more information about Alberta Agriculture and Forestry programs and resources.
'We’re not just 310-FARM. I find we're 310-everything,' says Alberta Ag-Info Centre resource agent Brenda McLellan.
The resource agents and administrators answer hundreds of phone calls and emails a month that include questions about the Canadian Agricultural Partnership program, Premise ID numbers and the Farmers’ Advocate Office. This past month they even fielded several calls about potential Norway rat sightings that turned out to be muskrats, pocket gophers or other rodents.
Resource agents, Marie Glover and Mary Ann Nelson, both enjoy talking to producers and helping them with their questions.
'It is very satisfying when you are able to help a client be connected to the person or resources that they need,’ says Nelson. ‘Over the years as a unit, we have had a lot of positive feedback from producers.’
'It feels awesome to help all producers that call in but especially the elderly person or couple who doesn’t have a computer or any means to one,’ adds Glover. 'I help them get their paperwork filled out and sent into the right department. They are always so appreciative for all the help I can give them.'
As the business model for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry has changed, so has the Ag-Info Centre. The agents and administrators refer producers for information about crops, beef and forage, farm management and horticulture and other topics outside of the ministry.
Linda Maschio and Faye Baldwin are resource administrators with the Centre. Maschio agrees with her colleagues.
'I like working with clients and helping people,' Maschio says. 'It feels wonderful to connect people to the resources they’re looking for.'
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