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Alberta Barley, Wheat Commissions to Merge into Single Organization

The Alberta barley and wheat commissions are set to formally become a single organization following overwhelming support from producers. 

The Alberta Barley Commission (ABC) and the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) announced on Wednesday the preliminary results of two plebiscites in which nearly 90% of eligible producers voted in favour of amalgamating the commissions. 

“This process has been five years in the making, complete with striking of a sub-committee comprised of both wheat and barley farmers, formal consultations with farmer stakeholders and culminating with two plebiscites,” Greg Sears, AWC chair, said in a release. “Both commissions have done their due diligence to ensure this is the right direction for our members and are eager to engage farmers on the path forward.” 

Alberta barley and wheat farmers gave their approval for the respective commissions to proceed with amalgamation plebiscites via formal motions at each commission’s annual general meeting during the 2021-2022 meeting season. 

A total of 1,569 votes were cast in both plebiscites – 606 from barley voters and 963 from wheat voters, with 89% of barley farmers and 88% of wheat farmers voting in support of amalgamation. Both plebiscites saw just a 6.1% participation rate from eligible voters. The plebiscite results remain preliminary for 15 business days when the time to contest has expired.

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