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Alberta Farmers Make Significant Progress With The Harvest

Alberta Agriculture's latest crop report shows about 90 per cent of the Provincial crop is in the bin.
Stats show that's about 29 per cent ahead of the 5-year average and 20 per cent ahead of the 10-year average.
Crop Statistician Aashan Shooshtarian compiled the report and compared the numbers.
"Regionally, when compared to the 5-year averages, harvest is the most advanced in the North East and North West Regions, where combining is respectively 42 and 41 per cent ahead of the average. Harvest in the Central Region is 33 per cent ahead and in the Peace Region is 27 per cent ahead. For the Southern Region, harvest is nearly complete and 10 per cent ahead of the average. An additional five per cent of crops are in swath, while another five per cent are still standing."
In this week's report Shooshtarian also looked at crop yield.
"Provincial dryland yields are now estimated at 53.9 bushels per acre for spring wheat, 74.1 bushels per acre for barley, 83.9 bushels per acre for oats, 40.3 bushels per acre for canola and 42.3 bushels per acre for dry peas. The yields are nine per cent above both 5-year and 10-year averages. There are some reports, particularly in the North West Region, of yield loss in the swath due to shelling out. Also, for some flooded acres or late seeded crops, heads
have not been filled as expected. Regionally, yields for the Southern and Central Regions are estimated 40 and 17 per cent above their 5-year averages, respectively. For the North East Region, yields are slightly above the 5-year average, by two per cent. Yields in the North West and Peace Regions are estimated at 24 per cent and 14 per cent below average. "
She notes grades on average for the harvested portion of major crops in the province are rated as high quality, but regional grading is variable.
"Provincially, about 92 per cent of hard red spring wheat are graded in the top two grades, with 55 per cent graded as No. 1. For durum wheat, 84 per cent is graded as No. 1 and 14 per cent as No. 2.  About 43 per cent of barley is eligible for malt and 50 per cent graded as No. 1 feed. For oats, about 62 per cent is graded in the top two grades, with 38 per cent graded as No. 1.  Almost 89 per cent of canola is graded as No. 1, with another nine per cent as No. 2. For dry peas, about 29 per cent is graded as No. 1, 52 per cent as No. 2, 16 per cent as No. 3 and three per cent as feed quality."
Crop quality in the North West as well as in some areas of the North East and Peace Regions have been impacted by the wet spring and summer.
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