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Alberta Harvest Nearing Finish Line

Farmers in Alberta now have 88 per cent of the province’s crops combined and in the bin, the Sept. 27 provincial crop report said. This is up from 76 per cent the previous week.

Spring wheat, barley and dry peas are nearing completion at 95, 95 and 99 per cent harvested respectively. Oats, at 86 per cent harvested, and canola, at 75 per cent harvested, are the major crops with significant acreage left still standing or in the swath, the report said. Seventy-five per cent of canola is combined, with an additional 14 per cent swathed.

“Only seven per cent of major crops in Alberta are now left standing, much lower than the 24 per cent five-year average. Many producers across the province have or will finish their harvest season earlier than long-term normal,” the report said.

The report noted Alberta is well below historical normal for September precipitation allowing harvest to proceed without significant interruptions.

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