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Alberta Harvest Trucking Along

Seventeen per cent of Alberta’s crop is now in the bin, the Aug. 30 provincial crop report said. Harvest operations have been moving along with 13 per cent of the crop swathed.

Crop percentages combined range from 64 per cent done for dry peas to one per cent for canola.

“Harvest progress relative to normal in the season has advanced from this time last week, although some significant rains in the South have delayed harvest regionally,” the report said.

The report noted last week seven per cent of harvest was done, which was behind long-term normal. However, this week combining of major crops is 17 per cent complete and ahead of the 14 per cent 10-year average.

“Thirty percent of major crops are either swathed or combined and that is exactly in line with the 10-year average for major crops.”

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