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Alberta names, Daniel, Lorin and Barry Doerksen, owners of Gemstone Cattle Company/Gemstone Grassfed Beef at Gem, AB as their 2024 Outstanding Young Farmers.

Olds, AB –Daniel, Lorin & Barry Doerksen of Gem were named Alberta’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2024 at the Alberta Region’s Recognition Event held in conjunction with Olds Smart July 31- Aug 1.

Brothers Daniel, Lorin and Barry Doerksen are fourth generation producers operating a mixed farming and ranching operation in Gem, AB along with their father Arno and his brother Tim.

Their irrigated land base supports production of cash crops and forage crops grown for winter feed and silage. Along with a commercial cow-herd, the family also raises purebred Hereford and Red Angus cattle offering bulls and bred heifers for sale annually. They select cattle with fertility and longevity being top priorities.

With cattle genetics geared for beef production on forage, the Doerksen’s ventured into direct marketing of grass finished beef in 2018 under their brand Gemstone Grass Fed Beef. They market their beef directly to consumers through their butcher shop and food kiosk at the Calgary Farmers Market West and online at  Their farm to table business has given them cause to continue improving the quality of their beef through genetics and regenerative farming practices.

The Alberta Region of Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program were pleased to have the Alberta Agriculture Minister RJ Sigurdson in attendance. They were also proud to showcase two diverse and impressive operations at the 2024 Regional Event. The nominees recognized were:

Daniel & Barry Doerksen – Gemstone Cattle Company/Gemstone Grassfed Beef -Gem

Lee & Lisa Simanton­- Crestomere Holsteins-Crestomere

Past President of the National OYF board, Steve Cooper’s comment on the event was, “Alberta OYF did an amazing job with this event. Collaboration with Olds College, alumni representatives from every decade and 2 amazing nominees. An extremely memorable event.”

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ program is an annual competition to recognize farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession and promote the tremendous contribution of agriculture. Open to participants 18 to 39 years of age, making the majority of income from on-farm sources, participants are selected from seven regions across Canada, with two national winners chosen each year. The program is sponsored nationally by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, CIBC, John Deere, Bayer, Sollio Agriculture, Meridian Manufacturing and CN with media sponsors Glacier FarmMedia and WS and video sponsor, Bamboo Shoots. It is supported nationally by BDO.

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2024 will be chosen at the National event in Lethbridge, Alberta from November 27-Dec 1, 2024.

Source : Oyfcanada

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