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Alberta Open Farm Days Goes This Weekend

Experience, Learn, Grow that's the theme behind this year's Alberta Open Farm Days.

The Alberta Ag Societies is once again hosting this weekend's event.

Marketing Coordinator, Nicola Doherty says it's an opportunity for farmers to open up their doors and invite their neighbours in.

"It's a chance for the community neighbours or neighbours from a couple of hours away to come and see a working farm. For people that are not familiar, they can find out how farming is done."

Alberta's Open Farm Days run this weekend  August 14th and 15th.

She says the objective is to have some education around agriculture, with a hands-on experience.

"For visitors to meet the farmer, but then for the farmers also to connect with people that they would potentially be selling their products to. So there's an education piece, but then there's the tourism piece where we're getting people out of their bubbles. From a city perspective, it's going out into rural communities, visiting towns, and locations across the province."

This year's Open Farm Days gives people the opportunity to visit traditional and organic farming operations, brewing companies and wineries, visit vegetable producers and bee operators.

There's a chance to check out where your vegetables and honey come from as well as see a wide variety of livestock with visits to a horse ranch, cattle, poultry and goat operations, alpaca's, and even a yak ranch.

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