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Albertans are invited to celebrate everything Alberta is and has to offer at the 2nd annual Alberta Day celebrations.

Alberta formally became a province on Sept. 1, 1905, and to acknowledge this, Alberta’s government declared Alberta Day to celebrate the history, achievements and opportunities available in the province. On Saturday, Sept. 2, starting at 11 a.m., the government is hosting free, family-friendly celebrations at the legislature grounds in Edmonton and Heritage Park in Calgary. In addition to celebrations in Calgary and Edmonton, 33 other municipalities will receive funding from Alberta’s government to help organize festivities in their communities.

Alberta Day is an opportunity to celebrate the province’s rich cultural heritage and recognize the people and communities that make Alberta a strong, vibrant province. Alberta performers and vendors will be showcased throughout the day. Feature events will include performances by headliners Captain Tractor in Edmonton and Nice Horse in Calgary, as well as an aerial drone show in each city starting at 9 p.m.

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Video: Market Plus with Ted Seifried

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